Attitude Of Gratitude, Mom life

Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving… I’ve watched posts from people saying what they’re thankful for and I wanted to post but I couldn’t find the words. God had blessed me so much. I tried to think so long that the day has passed but not the feeling. So I’m posting whatever comes out.

I’m thankful first and foremost for God and all of the wonderful things he put in my path. Without my faith I know I would not be where I am. Even when I faced adversity in my life I knew I had Him and I would never have to face anything alone.

And first in this world is my husband. He is my hero. Not like a cute word but really “My Hero”. He has endured more than most could understand and still come to be the most amazing man I’ve ever known. He’s taken me and all my drama and cradled me in his arms. He took insult and injury from the closest person to me and continued to love her, to love me. He gave me hope. He gave me life. In 5 years we’ve had to fight off haters and stalkers. We’ve battled with family. We created life together, and lost it. We’ve comforted each other and held each other up. We’ve faced disaster and disease and even our mortality. And we’re here. Together. Forever.

Then theres our girls. They are the sweetest little girls I could have hoped for. They have been troopers through all the crap our family had put us through. They are smart, sweet, kind, and forgiving. They give selflessly and have often surprised even us. I am so blessed to be a part of their lives.

Then theres our grandchildren. I hope someday to really know my grandson. I love him very much. (Happy birthday Layne. Mammie loves you) and Lizzie is such a sweetheart. She is so full of love and life and had this whole family wrapped around her little finger in just 2 short years.

I am thankful for my many blessings from the bottom of my heart and feel so fortunate that my life and heart is so full.